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No girl is complete without her Chola standing by her side. Who knew that some girls want to be mechanics and don't think they should have to have a mustache to do it? Between street tacos and classic cars, there's nobody like Nicole to show you how it's done!


My story  

begins here :

I started out small and I only bought one of his works. Now I have ten. Using funny characters and mixing Robots with cowboys how can you not like the work that he does? Unless you have no sense of humor. For this you will need a sense of humor and it can be found in the humor dispensing vending machine to your right.


Every character comes from somebody and every body is inspired by someone. In the case of finding the right characters for my stories, I wouldn't be able to do it without my trusted Muse: Lamita and her insane attachment to Betty Page, Andy Warhol and Frida Kahlo.








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